monotone merchandise / bug hunt day

I recently created a new cafepress shop for monotone which uses the updated logo and our new claim, “reliable, distributed version control” and I have to say that this looks really cool now.

The reason why I did this is not because I’m a greedy bastard (no, the old shop which was set up by Graydon – the original author of monotone – back in 2005 didn’t bought us anything), but because the monotone developers will soon hold off a “Bug Hunt Day” to fix and close many of the old outstanding bugs we still have in the Savannah bug tracker. And what is better then bribing the devs with cool merchandise they’re receiving when they close more bugs than others…?

So if you want one of those cool caps, mugs or t-shirts, you have two options – either go directly to the shop and order one of the listed products there (and support your beloved version control tool :)) or you attend our little bug hunting – for the latter just go to this doodle survey and add your name and possible dates when you’re available.

Subscribing to monotone’s development list or idling around in our IRC channel might be helpful as well… I would be pleased to see you there!

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