Simple script to build Dovecot with sieve / managesieve support

One important principle in software engineering is DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself. This can of course also be applied on tasks a system administrator has to do over and over again. One of this tasks for me was recently to have a working dovecot installation with sieve support.

Unfortunately the authors of dovecot and its sieve plugin decided to make the process of getting there not quite easy, but at least straight forward enough to automate it. I’d still rather like to use some packaged debs, but I could not find any (of course stock Debian Lenny debs do not support it), but for now the process for me is as easy as picking up the new version strings, edit the following script and hit run. I hope its useful for somebody else:



BUILDDIR=”$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))/build”

rm -rf $BUILDDIR

# step 1: fetch dovecot, patch it with managesieve and build it
echo “fetching, patching, building and installing dovecot-$DOVECOT_VERSION”
wget -qO – “${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}/dovecot-$DOVECOT_VERSION.tar.gz” |
tar -xzf –

wget -qO – “${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}/dovecot-$DOVECOT_VERSION-managesieve-$MANAGESIEVE_VERSION.diff.gz” |
gzip -dc | patch -p1 >/dev/null

./configure –enable-header-install >>$BUILDDIR/build.log

make install >>$BUILDDIR/build.log


# step 2: fetch and build dovecot-sieve
echo “fetching, building and installing dovecot-sieve-$SIEVE_VERSION”
wget -qO – “${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}/dovecot-${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}-sieve-$SIEVE_VERSION.tar.gz” |
tar -xzf –

cd dovecot-${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}-sieve-$SIEVE_VERSION

./configure –with-dovecot=$BUILDDIR/dovecot-$DOVECOT_VERSION >>$BUILDDIR/build.log

make install >>$BUILDDIR/build.log


# step 3: fetch and build dovecot-managesieve
echo “fetching, building and installing dovecot-managesieve-$MANAGESIEVE_VERSION”
wget -qO – “${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}/dovecot-${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}-managesieve-$MANAGESIEVE_VERSION.tar.gz” |
tar -xzf –

cd dovecot-${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}-managesieve-$MANAGESIEVE_VERSION

./configure –with-dovecot=$BUILDDIR/dovecot-$DOVECOT_VERSION \
–with-dovecot-sieve=$BUILDDIR/dovecot-${DOVECOT_VERSION:0:3}-sieve-$SIEVE_VERSION >>$BUILDDIR/build.log

make install >>$BUILDDIR/build.log


echo “all done – build log is available in $BUILDDIR/build.log”